The Foundation for Manifestation.

The Foundation for Manifestation.


The Workbook.

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If you are in alignment your soul will give you the roadmap.

The foundation for living our best life is being in alignment with our higher self. 

We were born into this life as whole, worthy, loving beings. Our souls chose our upbringing, conditions, and all of the challenges we were meant to endure with the objective to overcome them and learn the lessons we are meant to learn in order to advance as beings. 

Through our upbringing, our subconscious is programmed with beliefs we hold onto in our adult life. Whether they are negative or positive, these beliefs that were projected onto us depict how we view the world today. 

We all have the desires we have in this lifetime for a reason. It is our duty to overcome these conditions, realign with our highest self and pursue our desires. 

I created this workbook with the intention to build a roadmap that I wish I had when I embarked on my manifestation & self-development journey 5 years ago. One of my purposes in this lifetime is to elevate the collective vibration. To empower people to realign back to their whole worthy selves in order to live their most fulfilling dream life.

Manifestation is not just about thinking positive thoughts and visualization. It is much deeper than that. The truth is, every successful person on the planet who has achieved BIG goals has manifested their vision (that started in their mind) into reality.

This workbook's intention is to introduce you to the fundamentals of manifestation, subconscious programming, and the concept of energy. To help you start your journey that will hopefully lead you down the awakened path of feeling empowered and in control of your life